Justice Mukhtar Yushau gave the order on Tuesday, following a suit filed by three executive members of the Party in the state, Sanusi Dan-Alhahi, Babangida Abdullahi, Chairman APC Gusau Local government area and Kabiru Chafe, Chairman APC Tsafe local government area.
In the suit, they challenged the powers of the national leadership of the APC and INEC to disqualify the candidates from contesting for various elective positions in the 2019 elections.
The plaintiffs filed the application on behalf of 24 other candidates on October 8, 2018, through their counsel, Muhammad Sani Katu.
In his ruling on the suit, Justice Yushau, issued an order of interim injunction ordering the APC, the party’s north-west zonal chairman and INEC to maintain the status quo as at the time the plaintiffs filed the suit on October 8, 2018, which was not objected by their counsels.
The judge, thereafter, adjourned the matter to October 23 for hearing to enable the defendants file their responses to the motion on notice now before the court.
Court Stops INEC, APC From Disqualifying Zamfara Candidates
Reviewed by AbuZahra Ahmad
October 16, 2018
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